Our Projects

Our Projects

Our group is working with the Wessex Rivers Trust, The Piscatorial Society and The Test & Itchen Association on several projects aimed to improve the ecological status of our rivers

River restoration

Uptake of Countryside Stewardship is strong across the group which in turn is leading to a significant increase in the proportion of hedgerows and field margins managed for nature.

Biodiversity in the farmed landscape

Chalk Grassland Restoration

Following the example of others there is growing interest in linking fragments of chalk grassland between neighbouring farms, particularly on the steep scarp slopes of the downs. 

Harewood Forest and the Forest of Bere fall within our boundary. There is scope to restore woodland habitats for rare and endangered species throughout and to safeguard ancient trees.


A major bird survey has been set up this year to record bird species on no less than 19 member farms. Each farm, visited 4/5 times, has been surveyed to record species and numbers observed along a defined route.


How to engage with the cluster.

If you are local and would like to know more about what we do or support our work, please contact Matthew Norris-Hill email:
